Beal Home Inspections INC
Serving the Greater Downeast Area

Beal Home Inspections INC
Serving the Greater Downeast Area
What You’ll See Looking Back on This Experience
Once a real estate transaction is completed and you finally have a chance to sit back and relax, the hope is that you’ll be able to look back at your home-buying experience and be proud of what you have accomplished. At Beal Home Inspections INC, our dependable home inspection services will help you realize the full potential of your prospective home purchase. From top to bottom, we’ll carefully investigate the home’s construction, giving you the knowledge and confidence to negotiate the ideal terms for one of the biggest purchases you’ll make in your entire life.
The Treatment You Can Expect to Receive

We came into the home inspection industry with many years of hands-on experience in construction, and we rely on that experience to provide our clients with an in-depth look into the quality of their prospective home

We’ll clearly communicate every discovery we make about the home so that your time is never wasted and your prospective investment can truly be protected

As a veteran-owned and operated business, we’re committed to serving our clients with integrity and the dedication that has long defined the quality of our work
Detailed Inspection Reports With Extras You’ll Appreciate
At the end of a home inspection, we’ll take all the information we’ve learned and begin compiling an itemized inspection report that will be available to you within 24 hours. As you read through your inspection findings, you’ll be pleased to see that the information is clearly stated without relying on excessively technical terminology. We’ll even include photographs of the home as necessary in order to further clarify certain elements of the inspection. You’ll also enjoy access to HomeGauge’s innovative Create Request List™ (CRL)™ feature.
Detailed Inspection Reports With Extras You’ll Appreciate
At the end of a home inspection, we’ll take all the information we’ve learned and begin compiling an itemized inspection report that will be available to you within 24 hours. As you read through your inspection findings, you’ll be pleased to see that the information is clearly stated without relying on excessively technical terminology. We’ll even include photographs of the home as necessary in order to further clarify certain elements of the inspection. You’ll also enjoy access to HomeGauge’s innovative Create Request List™ (CRL)™ feature and convenient Extra Care Service.

With the CRL™, creating a project and repair request list couldn’t be any easier—all it takes is just a few clicks of the mouse to set yourself up for smoother negotiations

Work on your request list from the comfort of home or anywhere else you’d like—the CRL™ is accessible through most devices with an internet connection

After you’ve made any final tweaks to your request list, you can pass it off to your real estate agent so that it can be included with their standard repair addendum
HomeGauge’s Extra Care Service
By participating in HomeGauge’s Extra Care Service, we go above and beyond to make buying a home an easier transition for our clients. When you receive your inspection report, you’ll have the option to share the information with a local agent so that you can be provided with a personalized insurance quote—saving you time and energy during what we know is an already stressful process.
All of our inspection reports are covered through Errors & Omissions/General Liability insurance for your financial protection.
As a thank you…
to the courageous servicemen and women of the United States armed forces, we offer a discount for active-duty military and veterans. We also encourage you to ask about the discounts we have available for repeat customers and cash transactions.
Weekend appointments are available by request.
Maine’s Reliable Home Inspection Specialist
We offer first-rate home inspection services to Hancock, Penobscot, Washington, and Waldo counties, including the towns of: Bangor, Belfast, Ellsworth, and Machias.
At Beal Home Inspections INC, we offer a professional home inspection that gives home-buyers a little breathing room—instantly elevating your knowledge of a home so that you have a chance to thoroughly go over the strengths and weaknesses of a prospective investment before it’s time to make a final decision. Contact us today to request an inspection.
CALL (207) 266-7051

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